Thursday, May 20, 2021

Legalization of same sex marriage essay

Legalization of same sex marriage essay

legalization of same sex marriage essay

Apr 02,  · GET YOUR PRICE. The legalization of same-sex marriage was a victorious step forward for the LGB community, but the discriminatory attitude toward openly gay individuals in the workplace seems to have abscessed since then. The United States has taken great strides toward creating an accepting environment for minorities, but the way gay teachers are viewed /5(36) The legalization of homosexual marriage would actually encourage family values and discourage risky lifestyles. Problems such as sexually transmitted diseases which come to mind as associated with sexuality are hallmarks of promiscuity. Marriage encourages monogamy and faithfulness, the types of behaviours that should be encouraged Jan 04,  · Argumentative Essay on Same Sex Marriage. Introduction. For many years now, same-sex marriage has been a controversial topic. While some countries have legalized the practice, others still consider it not right and treat it as illegal. Same-sex marriage is defined as a marriage or union between two people of the same sex, such as a man and a blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins

Should Same-Sex Marriages be Legalized? | Free Essay Example

Everyone would agree that the increase of humanism and tolerance in the society is a positive tendency. At the same time, such tendency leads to the transformation of the society and the changes caused by greater tolerance are often controversial.

One of highly controversial social legalization of same sex marriage essay is the legalization of same-sex marriage. Some 50 years ago, people could be arrested for having a partner of the same sex. Nowadays the attitudes have changed, and although there still exist many stereotypes, gays and lesbians are finally recognized as equal members of the society along with heterosexual persons. Despite greater tolerance, there are ongoing debates on the legalization of same-sex marriage.

The main thesis of this paper is the following: same-sex marriage should be legalized since it will further reduce discrimination of same-sex couples, provide opportunities for realizing their social potential and will strengthen the equality and tolerance in the society in general.

The institution of marriage is changing along with other social institutions in the society. The number of countries and states where same sex marriage was legalized is increasing. Such legal changes contribute to the promotion of non-discrimination in the society and enhance social equality. Most of the definitions of family do not require partners to have different genders; children can be adopted or born using in-vitro fertilization or the help of surrogate mother.

Therefore, legalizing same-sex marriage will help such families to become equal in rights with traditional families. Such equality will promote better psychological, social and physical well-being of same-sex couples.

The children who are reared in same-sex couples will also benefit from legalization of same-sex marriage because they will be able to receive adequate social support and protection.

Furthermore, such children will perceive their parents and families as an integral part of the society; such changes of perception will contribute to greater social tolerance and equality in the future. Furthermore, the legalization of same-sex marriages will also have positive economic consequences for LGBT couples and for the country in general. Indeed, same-sex partners will be legalization of same sex marriage essay to optimize their taxes and combine their earnings; they will get access to spousal health insurance, joint retirement investments, legalization of same sex marriage essay, etc.

There are several key arguments used by the opponents of same-sex marriages. The first and foremost argument is the negative impact of same-sex families on children. According to Muhlesteinthe argument against same-sex marriage is that it is damaging the traditional institution of family.

The research of Joslin shows that marriage has an equally positive effect on financial well-being and on the stability and durability of the relationship between spouses. Furthermore, it was determined that children in same-sex families demonstrate similar development, social skills and life satisfaction compared to children from traditional families. Joslin states that the key factor influencing the well-being of children in same-sex families was the presence of prejudiced attitude to such non-traditional family: the lower the rate of prejudice was, legalization of same sex marriage essay, the smaller was the difference between well-being of children from same-sex families and traditional families.

Another major argument against the legalization of same-sex marriage is the suggestion that it will encourage young people to choose same-sex partners and therefore will affect the processes of natural reproduction in the society. The environment might indeed increase the chances for a child with LGBT inclination to engage in same-sex relationships. However, the legalization of same-sex marriages will help to reduce the ongoing debate about the discrimination of LBGT people and will help them to integrate in the society.

This means in particular that the legalization of same-sex marriage will lead to the decrease of attention to LGBT questions and therefore children will be exposed to less information pertaining to LGBT than nowadays. In such circumstances, children will be more likely to follow their natural preferences than in the situation of the ongoing social debate and increased social attention to homosexuality.

Therefore, legalization of same sex marriage essay, it is necessary to legalize same-sex marriage in order to make the society more equal, more efficient and more tolerant. In this case, same-sex couples will have the rights comparable with the rights of traditional couples. Same-sex families and children growing in these families will be better off due to the legalization of same-sex marriages, and there will be economic benefits influencing the whole society.

Furthermore, the research of Joslin refutes legalization of same sex marriage essay key argument of the opponents of same-sex marriage: it was shown that the well-being of children in same-sex families is the same as that of children in traditional families, and can be decreased mostly by the stereotypes pertaining to same-sex families, legalization of same sex marriage essay.

The legalization of same-sex marriage will help to eliminate these stereotypes and therefore improve the well-being of children in these families. In addition, such decision will reduce the attention paid by the public to the questions of same-sex relationships and therefore reduce the potential impact of LGBT information on personal choices of young people.

Therefore, due to the perceived positive effects on the society same-sex marriage should be legalized in the United States and worldwide. Essay on Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage Everyone would agree that the increase of humanism and tolerance in the society is a positive tendency. Do you like this essay? Our writers can write a paper like this for you! Order your paper here.

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Same-Sex Marriage Debate

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Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage - Free Essay Example |

legalization of same sex marriage essay

Jan 10,  · It is necessary to legalize same-sex marriages in order to overcome the problems which arise in connection with the questions of social and legal discrimination of the same-sex couples, their indefinite social status, and The issue on legalizing same-sex marriage has been going on for decades. It has received a lot of objection and opposition since it contradicts the accustomed meaning of marriage as a “union between a man and a woman”. Though there have been few countries which have approved or have begun to legally formalizing marriage between same sex marriage like Canada, Italy Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins Equality Essay: Same Sex Marriage Gives Equality. Gay couples pay their taxes and abide the law just like anyone else, therefore it’s only right to treat them with the same rights as any other citizen. According to our civil rights, same sex marriage should be legal through our individual right to pursue happiness

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