Introduction to Ethical Theories Essay. Words5 Pages. Ethics is the study of how people should live. people have different views and beliefs of how they're supposed to live their life. people from all over the world have different ethical beliefs and different ways to determine which beliefs are right and which are wrong. when you visit a different country, you notice things they are doing and those things Ethical Theories and Their Relevance Introduction. Ethics is a collection of knowledge that deals with moral principles (i.e. act of right or wrong that is Virtue ethics. This theory defines an individual activity as ethically right or wrong by judging the same based on the Theories of ethics · Ethical theories and principles are the foundations of ethical analysis because they are the viewpoints from which guidance can be obtained along the pathway to a decision. The four ethical theories according to the text are rights theory, justice theory, utilitarianism, and profit maximization. Get Help With Your Essay
Ethical theories - Words | Essay Example
Companies and business leaders around the world are constantly faced with a predicament of ensuring that their organizations and employees adhere to the scope of ethics and the nature of ethical obligations within their respective market industries. For business leaders to be able to deal with any surprises and occurrences they need to be well acquainted with ethics and what it entails.
Hence, ethical theories endeavor to be comprehensible and methodical enough to be able to provide answers to the most essential practical ethical questions. In most circumstances ethical theories are the foundation for ethical principles and whenever actions are being defended upon, by business people it is common to find the principles and not the theories appealing. In the case of MetaLife, a life insurance company, it is prudent for them not to try and justify the allegations by offering excuses but to come out and offer corrective measures, so as to assure their customers and stakeholders of their integrity.
The insurance sector as a whole should adhere to the set down ethical codes of conduct as the deontological theory states, ethical theories essay. According to this theory, ethical theories essay, obligations and duties should be ethical theories essay supported and followed by everybody when faced ethical theories essay an impasse Hartman It is quite evident that the employees in the sales division of MetaLife are not aware of the deontological theory of ethics.
This is due to the negative exposure received by the company over its deceptive practices leading it to settle huge class actions law suits. Hiding and giving of excuses will not in any way help the public image of the company.
While the Kantian theory holds that ethics is choosing the right actions, the deontological theory asserts that human beings are controlled by definite strong ethical guidelines. Its employees have not been keen on observing the ethical code of conduct therefore the reason for the adverse negative image. This results to a degree of trust being built between the company, ethical theories essay, clients, and stakeholders alike Bowie Ethical concepts are based on ethical principles and underscore diverse characteristics of an ethical predicament leading to the most ethically appropriate resolution according to the guiding principles contained in the ethical theory itself.
In life many a time one is confronted with a dilemma, ethical theories essay, ethical theories essay they have to decide what is right or wrong. Especially for business, it is a choice that has to be thought over carefully as it affects many groups at once clients, the employees, employees, investors, stakeholders and customers. Often businesses opt for unethical choices as there are no immediate repercussions but they somehow tend to catch up with the decision maker, as is the case at MetaLife.
For the MetaLife Chief Executive Officer, before going for the interview one should ask himself these questions: if he has been able to truthfully identify the dilemma; how is he able to outline the problems facing the company if he was on the opposite side; when and how ethical theories essay these happen; to whom is he answerable and ethical theories essay his loyalty lies as an employee of the organization; what has led him to make the decision ethical theories essay take on the ethical route; are there any implications to the decision being intended; whether the decision is a long time solution or just to make short term solutions; and finally if he is sure, and confident with his decision.
Insurance is a vital component of life today and insurance professionals are a keystone to its effectiveness. However, they are constantly ignored to an extent where they resort to unethical measures to get recognition and get the work done.
The CEO and management should take this as their obligation to find out what it is and rectify it before more class action suits are awarded against the company in future Bowie The agent meets the public every day, ethical theories essay, and the way an agent conducts his business leaves a lasting impression on clients and customers, and relates to the insurance industry as a whole.
Most companies especially within the insurance sector have opted to adopt ethics after realizing that it is all for their good. For instance, State Farm, a well renowned insurance and financial company provider worldwide, is still growing strong today despite being in the ethical theories essay since One of its principles was to offer insurance to farmers at a lower cost since fewer of them could own cars and had much lesser accidents than city drivers.
This just shows the impact of ethical principles guiding decision making. Instead of charging everyone the same premiums and making abnormal profits they opted to treat each different category of people as per their characteristics. Hartman, ethical theories essay, L. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc. Perspectives in Business Ethics. New York, ethical theories essay, NY: Academic Internet Publ.
Academic Internet Publ, ethical theories essay. Trevino, L. Managing Business Ethics. Hoboken, ethical theories essay, NJ: John Wiley and Sons. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you?
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, time: 9:39· Ethical theories and principles are the foundations of ethical analysis because they are the viewpoints from which guidance can be obtained along the pathway to a decision. The four ethical theories according to the text are rights theory, justice theory, utilitarianism, and profit maximization. Get Help With Your Essay Introduction to Ethical Theories Essay. Words5 Pages. Ethics is the study of how people should live. people have different views and beliefs of how they're supposed to live their life. people from all over the world have different ethical beliefs and different ways to determine which beliefs are right and which are wrong. when you visit a different country, you notice things they are doing and those things Free Ethical Theories Essay Sample Ethics involves a systematic, defending, and recommendation of the concepts of right and wrong behavior. There are three main divisions; Metaethics looks at where our ethical principles are founded, and what they imply, whether they are invented socially or whether it involves expressing of an individual emotions
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