Thursday, May 20, 2021

Blood brothers essay

Blood brothers essay

blood brothers essay

Blood Brothers Essay Sample Willy Russell is the author of the play ‘Blood Brothers’. ‘Blood Brother’ is set in Liverpool which influences the storyline of the character Mickey’s family live in a rough area of Liverpool then go on to move away from there house and go to live near his brothers family Edward  · The Function of the Narrator in Blood Brothers Pages: 3 ( words) Blood Brothers by Willy Russell Pages: 4 ( words) Plot Analysis of a Play Blood Brothers Pages: 4 ( words) Analyse the the music used in the play 'Blood Brothers' Pages: 7 ( words) Blood Brothers & Annie Pages: 6 ( words) Blood Brothers - Drama Assessment Pages  · Different Blood Brothers Essays: • Theme Essay: The Blood Brothers has multiple themes. The two main themes however are that of the socio economic • Comparison Essay: It is common for students to get assignments where a comparison of the play or a character is • Plot Essay: A plot essay is a

Blood Brothers Essay Example For Students - words | Artscolumbia

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. The play written by Willy Russell is set In Liverpool and revolves around Eddie and Mickey Johnston as they become separated by the actions of Mrs Lyons who bribes the real mother Mrs Johnston to hand over one of her twins for money and for beneficial reasons, claiming that she cannot support all her many children on her current income.

She also proposes that the child would have a better life with her and her husband. The reminder of the play Blood Brothers shows the differences in lifestyle the two boys live, almost like the difference of Black and White, blood brothers essay.

Don't use plagiarized sources, blood brothers essay. Blood Brothers also attempt to show the large gap in society between the first blood brothers essay and the working class people, blood brothers essay, showing a blood brothers essay deal of status differences.

We could see this by the language used by Mrs Lyons, the props used on stage and the characters appearance. This was especially noticeable between Eddie and Mickey. Other characters in the play include Mr Lyons and Linda who is a friend of the two brothers. Both these character take a supporting role, blood brothers essay. Linda, takes an increased role later in the play where she attracts the attention of both Mickey and Eddie, blood brothers essay, creating a complex idea of expressed love from Eddie and Mickey.

She finally created the large conflict between the two Blood Brothers nearer the end of the play. One other mentionable character was the Narrator. Throughout Blood Brothers the narrator continually reminds Mrs Lyons and Mrs Johnston that the arrangements will not work out, blood brothers essay.

The idea of the narrator, I think is to give a continued sense of inevitability of the outcome of the play- that it can never end well as intended and that it is just a mater of time. This narration used, blood brothers essay, I thought was most effective. It added a great deal of eerie atmosphere to the play, which was needed at times to keep the play streamlined. This Narration also added a large degree of tension and mystery to the audience, which I thought, kept the play more interesting throughout; this narration was indeed a strength of Blood Brothers.

Blood Brothers made use of effective lighting and setting throughout, blood brothers essay. The setting transitions blood brothers essay well thought out and occurred in-frequently, which helped to keep the play easier to follow.

The use of props was somewhat conservative, where the same props on-stage were used for various different tasks and proposes. This helped the audience to keep focus on the other characters rather than investigating any new items on stage. This also helped to keep the scene transition rate low. The intermission timing was appropriate- it also allowed the grew to give the set an overhaul, to emphasis the new area and setting. Music was very repetitive, and was unusually loud.

Music was mixed with a high amount of treble, which assaulted the ears of the audience at times. This high treble needed to be lower as some of the middle was washed out.

Blood Brothers featured a familiar beat throughout. This beat was even given a mellow mix at one time when its use was not intended to give an upbeat. This timed mellow mix helped create the idea of sadness to the audience and was well thought out. While these were entertaining at first, the continued use of the format let the singing side down a little.

The use of lighting in the songs added the blood brothers essay, if under-used in others, blood brothers essay. Tension was first established between Mrs Johnston and Mrs Lyons. Mrs Lyons wanted to have one of the twins for her own. She was in clear desperation to achieve this goal and the actress achieved tension by increased use of facial body language and change in voice.

These scenes were written and directed well, and the set was appropriate so emphasis was on the characters in focus. The effect of this tension was that the audience was able to feel the desperation Mrs Lyons had. The relief and happiness and the contrast with Mrs Johnston when the twin was finally handed over empathised the dissimilarity between these two characters and their difference in status.

Another Tension of the task scene was those by Eddie. He blood brothers essay presented with many different tasks with Mickey. For example sneaking out the house, blood brothers essay, but most of all going down to the area where Mickey lived.

Eddie had various choices and worries about going to visit Mickey; he knew his mother did not approve but he was unable to comprehend her reasons. His on stage actions and facial expressions were finely tuned so that blood brothers essay audience was aware that he was making complex decisions in his mind.

Mickey also integrated Tension of the task, he wanted to fall in love with Linda. This tension was comical, as every time he wanted to express his feelings with Linda he would stutter and loose track.

He direly wanted to express his feelings; he even asked Blood brothers essay for advise in the matter. This was a particularly effective technique and created the desired affect nicely, blood brothers essay. Another tension type used was Tension of the relationship. This was probably the most widely used tension used in Blood Brothers, after all the play is about the relationship between these two brothers- the fact that they are twins unknowingly.

The audience knows that blood brothers essay two are brothers and there is a degree of dramatic irony taking place. Throughout all of Blood Brothers, we explore the Characters of Mickey and Eddie in great detail, their feelings and responses to all that is going on around them.

There is a great deal of contrast in status between these characters; we become exposed to the different complications each type of status has. Mickey and his money problems; Eddie finding it difficult to make friends, blood brothers essay.

This makes Blood Brothers truly great, Willy Russell has gone to great lengths to explore how society treats those with different status- often he incorporates meaning and thought in some scenes of Blood Brothers.

Tension of relationship is the problem of the relationship between two characters, resolved by managing the relationship. For example, someone may leave the set. In fact this was indeed the outcome of the play; both the characters died as per shooting from the police who appeared of stage.

The two brothers are faced with the problem of conflicting parents; which causes difficulty in their friendship. The Audience was always left in tension guessing what Eddie would decide to do at times, whether he would go with Mickey or not.

Always involving the audience allowed Blood Brothers to build the maximum tension in blood brothers essay category. Another type of tension used in Blood Brother was the tension of mystery. This type of tension is defined as an environment where characters are presented with a plot or problem but they do not know what it means or what its effect is. This is resolved by greater exploration of the plot. Mystery tension was used throughout in a sense of dramatic irony.

When Mickey exclaimed to Eddie that his birthday was on a certain date, Eddie was blood brothers essay to exclaim that their birth dates also resided blood brothers essay the same day.

This created an atmosphere of mystery and confusion; has both characters showed via body language they re-thought the situation in their minds before continuing. It was at that point Mickey proposed the Blood Bothers idea. Mystery was also rifled between Eddie and Mrs Johnston where he was unable blood brothers essay comprehend why she was taking a defensive position against him. Throughout the play these two characters achieved a great deal of tension. Lighting and Sounds changed to a darker mix, lights were dimmed presenting darkness, and music readied when these two characters were together on stage.

This setting change always lifted blood brothers essay effect of tension to the audience and was used appropriately and effectively throughout. The final tension incorporated in Blood Brothers was the tension of the surprise. Tension of surprise is the process of where a character becomes aware of something they did not already know and consider it shocking. Indeed, Blood Brothers had an immensely great tension of surprise nearer the end of the show. The ending of Blood Brothers was most fantastic and devastatingly dramatic with vivid spectacular use of dramatization and staging positions with Surround Sound.

The Tension of surprise was pulled off with fantastic direction. I even hit myself in the face because I jumped out of my seat unexpected of this very loud but powerful dramatic tool.

Cast members surreptitiously made their way off-stage to the blood brothers essay of the room. The police officers approached with such realism the audience was in ore when the shots were fired. The audience jumped immediately and it was clear the tension of surprise was indefinitely achieved here.

This final scene was definably the strength and greatness of Blood Brother. The narrator finished off the programme with a variation of his usual lines, an effective ending. Overall, blood brothers essay, I feel Blood Brothers is a successful drama performance. However, blood brothers essay, just before and after the intermission, blood brothers essay, I felt things became a little repetitive.

Some scenes were unnecessary and were drawn out to long to be effective. Mrs Lyons, blood brothers essay, body language I thought was especially good when faced with the narrator and she should be congratulated on delivering a solid performance in this regard. As was the acting by Eddie and Mickey; blood brothers essay character delivered strong performances, especially when the characters were in a younger stage.

The adult performers pulled off a childhood effect with great accuracy and strength that deserves complementing. In fact the overall quality of the acting was very good. The Narrator spoke loudly and with clarity, and created an impressive atmosphere ith his voice. Cast members seemed to be well aware of there lines and scripts, I was unable to fault the acting from a fixed script, blood brothers essay.

If any improvisation did occur, blood brothers essay, it was done very well and was accepted and developed precisely. It was clear the effect of Blood Brothers was well received by the audience; I noticed that many people had enjoyed the showing.

There was much talking about the narrator and how effectively he was at bringing the story together. Overall, blood brothers essay, a strong spectacular performance that I would recommend to all. Cite this Blood Brothers by Willy Russell Blood Brothers by Willy Russell. Blood Brothers by Willy Russell. Accessed May 19, This is just a sample.

Blood Brothers Themes -Analysis

, time: 14:45

Blood Brothers -

blood brothers essay

Blood Brothers- With reference to the way Russell presents Mickey- Show how far you agree that Mickey is responsible for the things that go wrong in his life. Mickey's language and movement show his anger and frustration. Mickey uses foul language and his body language e.g. Pushing/Shoving shows anger  · The Function of the Narrator in Blood Brothers Pages: 3 ( words) Blood Brothers by Willy Russell Pages: 4 ( words) Plot Analysis of a Play Blood Brothers Pages: 4 ( words) Analyse the the music used in the play 'Blood Brothers' Pages: 7 ( words) Blood Brothers & Annie Pages: 6 ( words) Blood Brothers - Drama Assessment Pages  · How Are We Made to Sympathise with Mrs Johnstone in Blood Brothers Essay Blood brother is a tragic tale about two twins who were parted at birth and as a result, led very different lives. The author, Willy Russell portrays the circumstances in which the twins were conceived, born and parted and also gives us an insight into how society has the influence of

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